Nintendo: More Nintendo Selects Available

Nintendo make an announcement today that they have added additional games to their “Nintendo Selects” line up, which have already made their way to stores and are available for purchase starting today. Nintendo Selects is their modern version of “greatest hits” which include games on the Nintendo Wii U, and 3DS. These new Wii U additions include The Legend of Zelda the Windwaker, Nintendo Land, and Lego City Undercover. While the new 3DS titles include Lego City Undercover, Tomodachi Life, Nintendogs + Cats, Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon, and Animal Crossing New Leaf. These titles are $20 brand new and sealed, and have a distinctive theme to the box art. While some of us collectors may not be a fan of this style of box art this also usually means that the original releases drop in price since more copies of the games are available.