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Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey is a third person action adventure role playing game set in a setting where there are two parallel worlds; one run by magic, the other by technology.

Developer: Funcom
Publisher: Aspyr
Release Date: April 18, 2006
Platforms: Xbox, PC
JustRPG Score: 83%
+Engaging Story line.
+Extra DVD
+Great cast of Allies
-Short in overall length.
-Annoying sound effects.
-Poor animations.


Dreamfall: The Longest Journey Overview

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey is an adventure role playing game where the player controls four main characters throughout two worlds; one run by magic, the other run by technology. The game plays with no interface and the player only really plays the game through exchanges of dialogue with non player characters. Although there is no combat and no interface hud the story of the game is very interesting and keeps the player engaged throughout the play through.

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Dragon’s Lair 3D

Dragon’s Lair 3D is an action adventure role playing game based off of the 1983 arcade game, Dragon’s Lair. Play as Dirk and save the princess from the evil dragon.

Developer: Dragonstone Software
Publisher: Ubisoft
Release Date: November, 2002
Platforms: PC, Xbox, GameCube, PS2
JustRPG Score: 20%
+Revitalizes a classic arcade game.
-Poor visuals.
-Poor controls.
-Linear story line.


Dragon’s Lair 3D Overview

Dragon’s Lair 3D is a remake of the original 1983 arcade game that was released in 2002. Players take up the role of Dirk, a knight who is trying to save the princess from an evil dragon that has taken her captive. Throughout the game the player must complete simple puzzles in order to make his or her way through the castle where the princess is being held. Overall the gameplay is very simple and the story is linear, on top of that the controls are clunky and the graphics are not impressive. All in all this game is not very good and you are better off playing the original arcade game.

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Dragon Raja

Dragon Raja online is a MMORPG based on a South Korean novel by the same name. This game can be free to play or the player can choose to add a subscription for added benefits.

Developer: ESofNet
Publisher: ESofNet
Release Date: July, 2003
Platforms: PC
JustRPG Score: 89/93%
+Can be free to play.
+Appeals to fans of the novel.
-Poor translations.
-A subscription is required to experience the full game.
-Dated graphics.


Dragon Raja Overview

Dragon Raja is a MMORPG that was based on novels by a South Korean Author, Lee Yeongdo. The full version of Dragon Raja is a pay to play game, although there is a free version available. The different between the pay to play and the free version is that the free version is missing about a fourth of the translations and experiences a few significant bugs. The gameplay is similar to games like Diablo II and Baldur’s Gate where the player creates a character and then explores a top down 2D/3D world in search of treasure. While the game can be free, the present bugs and now dated graphics make this game hard to recommend over Diablo II.

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Doom 3

Doom 3 is a science fiction survival horror first person shooter role playing game that was first released for PC in August 2004.

Developer: id Software
Publisher: Activision
Release Date: August 3, 2004
Platforms: PC
JustRPG Score: 81%
+Fun and easy game play.
+Added multiplayer mode.
-Dated graphics.
-Weak story line.


Doom 3 Overview

Doom 3 is the third installment in the popular PC shooter series, Doom. This installment of the series disregards the former Doom games. The player starts out in a military conglomerate which has set up a scientific research facility. However the experiments go ary and a gate to hell opens up results in a demon invasion. This installment has also introduced multiplayer which adds another layer of depth to the franchise. While this game is fun and simple the graphics are pretty outdated.

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Deus Ex

Deus Ex is a science fiction themed action role playing game that combined first person shooter elements with stealth and role playing elements.

Developer: Eidos
Publisher: Eidos
Release Date: 2000
Platforms: PS2, PC
JustRPG Score: 80%
+Amazing Story line.
+Great controls.
+ Fun combat system.
-Story is a little convoluted.
-Graphics are now dated.


Deus Ex Overview

Deus Ex is rated as one of, if not the best, PC games of all time. This science fiction thriller combines first person shooter, stealth, and role playing elements as the player plays through real life inspired conspiracy theories. The combat system, the story line, and the game overall has a lot to offer almost all gamers and it is hard to dislike this game. What really stands out about this game is the way it combined the interface of Doom, with the adventure aspects of Mario 64, and role playing elements, and did it successfully. Again it is really hard to say anything bad about this game and it should appeal to pretty much any gamer, except maybe that the graphics are now pretty dated.

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Command and Conquer: Generals

Command and Conquer: Generals is the seventh real time strategy installment in the Command and Conquer series which was released in early 2003.

Developer: EA Pacific
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Release Date: February, 2003
Platforms: PC
JustRPG Score: 92%
+Great strategy elements.
+Great visuals.
-Appeal limited to fans of real time strategy fans.


Command and Conquer: Generals Overview

Command and Conquer: Generals is a real time strategy role playing game and the seventh installment in the Command and Conquer series. The game plays similarly to games such as Starcraft and Warcraft but is set in a more realistic setting. Players can choose from The United States, China, or a Terrorist organization as they implement strategy to defeat their foes, or save the world. While this game is a great play for any fan of the real time strategy genre, new players to this type of game will most likely be confused and have a hard time picking it up.

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Bud Redhead: The Time Chase

Bud Redhead: The Time Chase is a 2D side scrolling platformer for the PC. Travel through time and explore four different worlds in the action packed game.

Developer: Space Ewe
Publisher: Space Ewe
Release Date: November, 2003
Platforms: PC
JustRPG Score: 92%
+Fun platforming style gameplay.
+Interesting story line.
-Short in overall length.
-Poor graphics.


Bud Redhead: The Time Chase Overview

Bud Redhead: The Time Chase is an action packed side scrolling 2D platformer that was developed by husband and wife team Bojan and Irena Urosevic. Play through the story line of Bud’s travels through time in four different worlds as he tries to find the girl he loves, Rachel. This game is very impressive for a two person team of developers that provides fun for gamers of all ages .

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Half-Life is a first person shooter game that was developed by Valve Software, and was released for the PC on October 31, 1998.

Developer: Valve Software
Publisher: Sierra Enterprises
Release Date: October 31, 1998
Platforms: PC
JustRPG Score: 80%
+Excellent story line.
+Fun combat.
+Good multiplayer.
+Great replay value.
-Visuals are now dated.
-Poor sound effects.


Half-Life Overview

Half-Life is a legendary first person shooter that was released for the PC in late 1998. In this game the player takes on the role of Gordon, a scientist who is thrust into a story filled with conspiracies and betrayal. Throughout the game Gordon must fight monsters from another dimension in order to set the world right. The game has a great first person combat system that is both challenging and rewarding. The story line is also really well done and keeps the player interested throughout the game’s length. Overall Half-Life is one of those must play games that every gamer should beat at least once.

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Assassin’s Creed

Assassin’s Creed is a historical fiction based open world action-adventure stealth game originally for the XBox 360. Take the role of an assassin in historical Italy and change the past to benefit the future!

Developer: Ubi Soft
Publisher: Ubi Soft
Release Date: November 13, 2007
Platforms: XBox 360
JustRPG Score:
+Action oriented combat.
+Solid visuals and audio.
+Engaging story line.
-Repetitive combat.
-Appeal limited to fans of stealth games.


Assassin’s Creed Overview

Assassin’s Creed is a thrilling historical fiction action-adventure stealth game originally released for the XBox 360. Players take up the role of an assassin in historical Italy, and take on missions of deception and assassination. With a thrilling storyline and pleasant graphics and audio this game has a lot of offer many players and almost every time of gamer. Fans of stealth and story driven games will find a lot of fun in this game, although haters of stealth and story driven games will find the combat lackluster.

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Atomic Battle Dragons

Atomic Battle Dragons is an unique platformer role playing game for the PC. Grab your lance and jump on your dragon and joust to protect the kingdom and defeat the evil dragons!

Developer: Isotope 244
Publisher: Isotope 244
Release Date: January 2006
Platforms: PC
JustRPG Score:
+Simple gameplay.
+Unique game mechanics.
-Out of date graphics.
-Boring storyline.
-Clunky controls.


Atomic Battle Dragons Overview

Atomic Battle Dragons for the PC is an action oriented platforming role playing game that puts the player in the role of a lancer on top of their own ride-able dragon. This game utilizes unique mechanics such as the ability to knock off other dragon riders from their mounts, and the ability to have your dragon pick up enemy units and eat them! While the mechanics are different the game suffers in the graphics department displaying something you would expect to see on the Super Nintendo. Fans of old school games have much to enjoy, while new gamers most likely will be unable to play due to the sub par visuals.

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