Playstation Meeting 9.7.2016 – PS4 Pro Reveal!

Today, September 7th, 2016 at 3pm Sony held a “Playstation Meeting” in the Playstation Theater, New York. This meeting focused on the reveal for the new “PS4 Pro,” which is an upgraded version of the Playstation 4. The focus on this new console is enhanced visuals, greatly improved hardware, and a much 1 TB hard drive.
The meeting started with the reveal of the Playstation 4 Slim, which will be the only “regular” Playstation 4 that will be available for purchase moving forward for Sony. The PS4 Slim will be sold for $299 and will be available on September 19th, 2016.
Sony then briefly talked about Playstation VR and confirmed that it will be available starting next month.
The focus of the meeting then shifted to the PS4 Pro, which until now has been code named “PS4 Neo.” They stated that this new console will nearly double the GPU power of the current PS4, will support 4K and HDR displays, a boosted clock rate which will increase frame rates, a 1TB hard drive, and Playstation VR support.
Sony then showed off some software titles that will be available for the PS4 Pro. These titles included a new Spiderman game, For Honor, Dues Ex Mankind Divided, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Watch Dogs 2, Killing Floor 2, Days Gone, Infamous First Light, For Honor, Shadow of Mordor, Horizon Zero Dawn, Call of Duty Infinite Warfare, and many more.
They then emphasized how HDR TVs are able to display more color that conventional TVs, which will greatly enhance visuals on the console. They further emphasized this point by showing games such as Days Gone and Infamous First Light on the current model of the PS4, and then showed them on the new PS4 Pro.
Sony then shifted the show to reassure gamers that their current PS4 models will not be obsolete. They stated that all games currently announced will work on the base model of the PS4. There will still be one community for every game and only one version of every game. This was an attempt to prevent current owners of the Playstation 4 from freaking out and thinking that their expensive home consoles will become obsolete. They have also stated that within a week there will be a firmware update for the original PS4 which will allow the console to support HDR TVs even if you do not purchase the PS4 Pro.
A new never before seen trailer for Horizon Zero Dawn was also revealed during the meeting. This trailer, which was shown running on the PS4 Pro, showcased the scenery, and character models from the game. The character from the game started off viewing cybernetic monsters from a distance before sliding down a zip line and engaging with a large dinosaur like monster with a UFO like head. She then climbed up the monster and then did a “override” action on its head. What this did to the monster was not really clear, but the character made a flashy escape for the trailer ended. While this trailer was not very exciting, the real focus of the video was to show off the new fantastic visuals which will be available on the PS4 Pro.
Another brand new trailer was shown during the meeting, which was for Call of Duty Infinite Warfare. This trailer was also shown on the new PS4 Pro, and again focused on visuals. This trailer took place on a mining asteroid where the characters were attacked by robotic drones before a large explosion and the end of the trailer.
The final new trailer that was shown during the Playstation Meeting was for Mass Effect Andromeda. This trailer, which also ran on the PS4 Pro, again focused on the new fantastic visuals that the new console will offer. While this trailer was also quite uneventful, it did show off a rather unique looking planet that will be in the game. This planet seemed to combine plant life with cybernetics to give a very distinct look to the terrain. In the trailer the character was shown platforming with a jet pack before his party was attacked by some unknown creatures and the trailer ended.
Sony also announced that the Playstation 4 Pro will again be partnering with Netflix and YouTube to offer a plethora of 4K/HDR video content that will be available at launch for the new console.
The meeting ended with a reveal of the actual console itself, the $399 price tag, and the release date which will be November 10, 2016.
So are you interested in the PS4 Pro? Let us know what you think in the comment section below!