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Therefore immunofixation has become thescreening test of choice in cases of suspected monoclonalgammopathy. However, whether or not two-stage exchangehas a poorer functional outcome at the cost of infection eradication cannot be judged,unless a direct comparison with one-stage exchange is made in a randomized trial.Moreover, the type of arthroplasty (e.g., hemiarthroplasty versus reversed total shoulderarthroplasty) has a functional impact [20]

However, whether or not two-stage exchangehas a poorer functional outcome at the cost of infection eradication cannot be judged,unless a direct comparison with one-stage exchange is made in a randomized trial.Moreover, the type of arthroplasty (e.g., hemiarthroplasty versus reversed total shoulderarthroplasty) has a functional impact [20].

Brain lactate metabolism in humans with subarachnoid hem-orrhage. If the bone is necrotic,a curette may be utilized for specimen collection [28].

(2006) Positionstatement of the American Association for Geriatric Psychia-try regarding principles of care for patients with dementiaresulting from Alzheimer disease. Shams I, Malik A, Manov I, Joel A, Band M, Avivi A (2013) Transcription pattern of p53-targeted DNA repair genes in the hypoxia-tolerant subterranean mole rat Spalax.

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Therefore,toxicologists and epidemiologists must learn each other’sdiscipline, become familiar with the special use of terms andconcepts, understand these concepts, and have insights intothe methodology used by each other’s discipline.