Pokemon Sun & Moon: Pokemon Snap Like Features & New Pokemon
Ever since its original release in spring of 1999 Pokemon Snap has been a fan favorite spin off of the ever popular Pokemon series. In this game players took the role of a Pokemon photographer who rode around in a cart on a quest to take pictures of all the Pokemon. This game played very much like a rail shooter but instead of shooting bullets the player shot photographs. Fans of Pokemon and Pokemon Snap have been clamoring for a sequel to this Nintendo 64 game ever since the introduction of motion controls that came with the Nintendo Wii. These pleads for a sequel were even louder with the release of the Wii U which seemed to be the perfect platform to launch a revival. With the continuation of motion controls and the separate game pad, which could have functioned as the player’s camera, but it never came. While a Pokemon Snap U does not seem to be on the horizon, Nintendo and the Pokemon Company have announced a new feature in Pokemon Sun & Moon called Poke’ Finder.